How to Create the Perfect Home Office

by Sydney Starkey

If you are in need of a home office, planning is the first step towards creating a workspace that’s right for you.

Even though we are almost at the end of the COVID-19 pandemic (hopefully), home offices are more important now than ever. More and more companies are allowing their employees to work from home, and some are transitioning into a fully-remote work style. According to Forbes, major companies like Twitter and Spotify are giving employees the choice: come back to the office or work fully remote.


Whether you are working remotely or in the office, a home office might still benefit your overall home layout. Middletown Homes offers customization on most of our models, meaning you can adjust your floor plan to be exactly what you want! In this post, we’ll talk about designing a home office that fits your needs and your job.

Built-in desk

How to Design Your Home Office

Take Inventory of What You Need

The most essential step in planning your home office is reviewing what you actually NEED. It’s easy to fall down the Pinterest rabbit-hole and convince yourself that you need 7 desk organizers, stylish chairs, and a $200 wireless speaker. But trust us – you probably don’t need those things.


Are you running a small business? You might need a bigger room with space for a table to pack orders, or a maybe file cabinet to organize customer information.

Are you in a tech support role? You might need a slightly smaller space, a sturdy chair, and a high-speed computer.

How you set up your home office should be determined by what you do. Try making a list and sticking to it, because it can be easy to go over board.


Organize First, Decorate Second

This rule of thumb follows a similar point. Most home décor stores will have an office section filled with aesthetically pleasing wall art and accent pieces for your bookshelves, and those things are awesome! However, if your office is set up for beauty instead of functionality, you might find yourself struggling when you sit down to work.


If you handle a lot of paperwork, dedicate a space in your office for a file cabinet and make sure your desk has room to organize files you are currently working with. If you schedule frequent video calls, make sure you have a place to sit with a distraction-free background. Try transforming a corner of the room into a meditation space if you have a particularly stressful job. Think about the logistics of your work and organize for efficiency in whatever you do.


Now, we’re not saying to avoid cute decorations and work in a depressing space. You deserve to have a home office that fits your personality and makes you feel good! Choose a few fun décor pieces to add some color and character to your space, or place a few plants around to ensure some extra oxygen and mood-boosting chemicals.


Home Office / Den

Find a Light Source

You will likely be sitting in this room for hours and hours every day, so it is important that you prioritize light. If possible, choose a room with a large window or a set of smaller windows. Healthline states that natural sunlight boosts vitamin D, wards off seasonal depression, improves sleep, and reduces the health risks associated with fluorescent lighting.


Change It Up Sometimes!

Some people dread the monotony of spending every day in the same room in their home. Ifyou’re one of those people, spice it up every once in a while, and move your workstation to the kitchen table or even the couch for a day! One of the perks of working from home is the freedom to make choices like that. Who wouldn’t want to be comfortable on the couch while they work?

If that isn’t enough of a change, try rearranging your desk or your whole office! Sometimes a fresh layout is exactly what we need to feel motivated and ready to get back to work.


4 More Quick Tips for Creating Your Home Office

· Carefully consider where you sit in the room – what is featured behind you during video calls?

· Choose a chair that supports your spine health. Sitting all day = higher risk of health issues.

· Pick a color palette for your décor! A consistent style encourages organization and productivity.

· Keep your daily essentials within reach. Moving around is encouraged, but so is efficiency!

Key Takeaway

If you are in need of a home office, planning is the first step towards creating a workspace that’s right for you. Consider what would work best for you and your job, then begin designing your space! Browse our modular and manufactured homes to see if these floor plans might work for what you need – and if not, work with one of our sales specialists to create a custom floorplan that meets your needs.


Contact Middletown Homes today to get started on building the home of your dreams!

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